Congratulations for Choosing You!
Take our complimentary Nutrition and Health Assessment Form and Email to After Receiving Your Assessment We Will Schedule a 30 min Call to Review Your Results.
Health Evaulation Form
Ideal Weight:
Body Fat % (if known):
Ideal Body Fat %:
Waist Circumference:
Ideal Waist Circumference:
In what part/s of your body do you feel you carry the majority of your weight? And is this where you have always held weight or is this a new problem area?
Medical/Health Issues:
Injuries/Limitations/Past Surgeries (include dates of surgeries):
Current Medications (prescription and over the counter):
Current Supplements (please include Brand and dosage):
Personal Goals (Describe what you would like to accomplish in the next 90 days together – if you have more short-term or long-term goals, list these as well)
Previous nutrition and fitness programs and their outcomes:
How many hours do you work/week? Is shift work involved?
How often do you travel with your job?
Cardio (type/amount of time per week):
Strength (type/amount of time per week):
Food Log from YESTERDAY (include the time of your meal AND the portions – the more detailed the better!):
Water intake (oz per day):
Caffeine intake (oz per day & type consumed):
Alcohol intake (# drinks per week & type consumed):
Any other liquids (amount & type consumed)
Average Stress level (0 – 10 with 10 = overwhelmed/overcommitted) =
What are your stressor/s:
Sleep: Bed at what time –
Awaken at what time –
Quality – discuss any issues with falling asleep and/or staying asleep:
Please highlight any statements below that best represent you and what you are experiencing/struggling with currently (feel free to add in any additional comments you believe are pertinent):
· Do you take longer to recover from exercise, ie. extended soreness?
· Do you have joint or muscle aches regularly?
· Do you eat less than 2 servings of non-starchy vegetables per day?
· Is your diet high in sugar and/or trans fats?
· Do the majority of your meals come from fast food restaurants and/or pre-packaged meals?
Digestive Health
· Do you often get bloated and gassy, especially after eating?
· Do you have trouble with constipation (< 1 bowel movement a day)?
· Do you have trouble with diarrhea and/or loose stools?
· Do you often feel mentally foggy or have trouble concentrating?
· Do you have eczema, rosacea, acne, or any other skin condition?
· Do you have seasonal or food allergies/sensitivities?
o If yes, please list:
· Do you suffer from acid reflux and/or heartburn or take prescription or over the counter antacids?
Immunity and Nutrient Deficiencies
· Are you usually tired?
· Are you susceptible to colds and flus or do you get sick often?
· Do you take oral contraceptives, acid blocking drugs, or steroid-related meds?
· Do you have tight muscles that do not loosen up easily?
· Do you get muscle cramps regularly?
Stress and Sleep
· Are you under high stress from personal or work-related stress or from being overcommitted in your life?
· Do you crave sugars or carbohydrates in the afternoon and evening?
· Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?
· Do you often have a mid-day crash in energy?
· Do you feel anxious or nervous?
· Do you sleep less than 7 hours per night?
· Do you get dizzy or lightheaded when standing?
· Do you take in more than 4-6 cups of coffee per day for energy?
Women’s Sex Hormones
· Are your menstrual cycles irregular, are you periods heavier than usual periods, and/or do you have excess cramping)?
· Are you menopausal?
· Are you experiencing hot flashes or night sweats?
· Do you have mood swings, irritability, depression, or breast tenderness with your cycle?
· Do you have fluid retention and weight gain during your cycle?
· Do you have endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, or hot flashes?
· Have you been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian syndrome?
Men’s Sex Hormones
· Do you have trouble maintaining lean muscle or gaining muscle mass?
· Do you notice a loss of interest in activities you enjoyed?
· Do you seem more prone to injuries and/or have a harder time recovering from injuries?
Environmental Toxins
· Do you have extreme difficulty losing more than ten pounds?
· Do you have chronic unexplained headaches, muscle pain, and/or fatigue?
· Do you have allergies or asthma?
· Do you have chemical sensitivities such as intolerance to fragrances/odors?
· Do you regularly have bad breath, sour taste in your mouth, or excessive body odor?
Glucose Balance
· Are you irritable if you miss a meal, or jittery/anxious if you go more than 4 hours without food?
· Are you >20# over your ideal body weight with the majority of weight gain around the midsection?
· Do you have sporadic energy boosts and drops throughout the day?
· Do you crave carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, or pasta) or sweets excessively?
· Have you been diagnosed with diabetes, insulin resistance, or metabolic syndrome?
Thyroid and Metabolism
· Do you feel tired from morning to night?
· Do you have dry skin, cracked nails, or brittle hair?
· Do you have thin hair or lose excess hair with brushing?
· Do you have cold hands and feet?
· Do you have extreme difficulty losing weight?
· Have you been diagnosed with hypo/hyperthyroidism or are you currently taking thyroid medication?